Casey DW Jones brings a wealth of literary expertise to both his art and professional life. With a BA in English Literature from the University of Kansas and an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University, he has over a decade of experience marketing small businesses and nonprofits. Casey’s knack for sculpting captivating narratives, along with his advertising instincts and marketing finesse, render him an invaluable addition to any creative project.
Casey received the Loft Literary Center’s Mentor Series Fellowship in Fiction in 2022-23. His short stories have garnered nominations for the Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions. A former fiction editor for Water~Stone Review, Casey also authors nonfiction books for school libraries. Casey resides in the Twin Cities, where he currently works full time as a creative copywriter for public media.

Fiction Publications

Night Beaver
Flash fiction appearing in On the Run Fiction in September 2023.

Frog Pond
Speculative short fiction appearing in Touchstone Literary Magazine.

Swing Me Till Summer
Short Fiction appearing in Roanoke Review.

Steer the Course
Flash fiction appearing in Sundog Lit in 2021. Nominated for Best Small Fictions.

High Mileage
Short fiction appearing in Peatsmoke Journal. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize in Fiction.

Shit Pond
Short fiction appearing in New Limestone Review.

The Hanging Tree
Short fiction originally appearing in Stoneboat Literary Journal volume 8.2. in 2018