Casey DW Jones has over a decade of experience planning and executing marketing strategies for nonprofits and small businesses. A list of the services he provides are below. Contact him directly to discuss your project’s specific needs.
Casey has ten-plus years of experience writing copy for small businesses and nonprofits. From blog posts to webpages to social media posts, he writes clear, concise, and persuasive copy, tailored to your brand’s unique voice.
Casey was a full-time, professional proofreader and copy editor for over three years, and he continues to help small businesses and nonprofits refine their collateral with his professionally trained proofing skills.
Casey was a reader and fiction editor for four editions of Water-Stone Review. Casey is also the founding editor of Casino Literary Magazine, an online literary journal for new and emerging fiction writers.
Casey has marketed small businesses and nonprofits for over a decade. He is experienced in social media, email marketing, and new brand development, including product naming, taglines, manifestos, and positioning language.
Client References
I served as Casey’s supervisor while I was the Director of Marketing at Xperitas. Casey was brought in to manage all aspects of social media, the quarterly newsletter, outreach campaigns, and generally contribute to all marketing activities. Casey jumped right in and, with little direction, was able to seamlessly take control of all aspects of the job. Most notable was the fact that he instantly increased our social media presence tremendously by quickly internalizing our mission and programs — regardless of the fact that he did not come from our industry. His expertise in content development and stellar writing and editing skills were helpful in this regard. Casey’s intellect, marketing prowess, and good nature are the reasons I quickly turned to him as a trusted advisor on organizational strategy and issues that transcended his Marketing Manager role.
– Beth St. John, former Executive Director at Xperitas, founder of Aspire Institute